Catly World
Eastrous Cycles- How Many Times Do Cats Go Into Heat?

Eastrous Cycles- How Many Times Do Cats Go Into Heat?

If you're wondering how many times do cats go into heat, the answer is it varies with each individual cat and even with different seasons. The best way to determine when your cat is going into heat is by checking out her urination pattern, so if she is using the...

Theories Why Do Cats Chatter At Birds

Theories Why Do Cats Chatter At Birds

This is the most frequently asked question we receive at our cat behavior blog is why do cats chatter at birds? One answer is - they are just playing. Cat owners are often curious as to why their cats chatter at birds, but there is no answer to why cats chirp at...

Find out Why is My Cat so Attached to Me

Find out Why is My Cat so Attached to Me

Why is my cat so attached to me is a very common question we get from cat owners. The reason why your cat might be attached to you, can vary a lot depending on the kind of relationship you have with your cat. Many animals are affectionate and like to spend time with...

Why Do Cats Cover Their Food – Why They Do This?

Why Do Cats Cover Their Food – Why They Do This?

If you have ever watched your cat or other pet eat, you may have wondered why they do it that way. We decided to investigate to find out why do cats cover their food before eating. In this post, we look at the different reasons of this unique behavior of felines.   A...

Can You Take Cats On Walk: Helpful Tips!

Can You Take Cats On Walk: Helpful Tips!

Can you take cats on walks is a question of many vat owners. Letting cats out to walk has become a controversial issue in recent years. Some owners argue that it provides a good outlet for their pets and that cats do not pose a safety risk to other animals and...

A Guide to Understand How Long does a Cat’s Heat Cycle last

A Guide to Understand How Long does a Cat’s Heat Cycle last

Just like a person, cats need to go through a natural heat cycle every day. You can help your cat get into this cycle by giving her the right food at the right times. You should know how long does a cats heat cycle last.   What is the heat cycle of cats? All cats go...

How to Stop My Cat from Bullying My Other Cat?

How to Stop My Cat from Bullying My Other Cat?

My cat is the meanest thing I've ever seen. How to stop my cat from bullying my other cat? My other cat loves him so much he will follow him around the house or wherever we go. He will cry whenever his little brother comes near him, but I can't do anything about it. I...

Why is My Cat being so Clingy and How to Stop Her?

Why is My Cat being so Clingy and How to Stop Her?

Clingy cats are a little more than just a cute way to get some free cat food, they are actually quite common. Most clingy cats have a habit of nipping at your hand and may even try and climb up your leg if you sit down. It’s not unusual for a clingy cat to have a...

Interesting Reasons Why do Cats Walk In Front of You

Interesting Reasons Why do Cats Walk In Front of You

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world.  They are the most highly regarded animal in the history of humankind. No doubt about it, people love cats! But it's not just because of their cuteness. It's because they are interesting that seem to understand us,...

How to Take Care of a Pregnant Cat

How to Take Care of a Pregnant Cat

Pregnancy can be a stressful and overwhelming time for even the most responsible pet parents. As owner of a pet cat, you should know how to take care of a pregnant cat. If you are currently expecting a litter or are simply concerned about how your furry companion may...

Are Christmas Trees Poisonous to Cats- Safety Issues!

Are Christmas Trees Poisonous to Cats- Safety Issues!

The holiday season is fast approaching, and that means your tree is going to be put up before you know it! Many of us love decorating our homes with Christmas trees and wreaths. Many people love having their Christmas trees up all year round. This is mainly because...

Helpful Information on How to Bathe a Cat that Hates Water

Helpful Information on How to Bathe a Cat that Hates Water

There are times when your cat hates water. If dogs like water, cats don't, so the best thing you can do to get a cat to enjoy bathing is to let them help themselves. If you’re having a problem with your cat not liking to bathe, you may want to know if there are any...

Tips on What can You give a Cat for Pain and Give Her Relief

Tips on What can You give a Cat for Pain and Give Her Relief

Do you have a cat who has a problem and needs some help? There are many things you can do to help a cat in pain. We hope the information we share here will help you understand more about what can you give a cat for pain. Cats are so much fun. They're smart, loyal and...

What are to Consider knowing How Big will your Cat get?

What are to Consider knowing How Big will your Cat get?

Your cat is an important part of your home. However, when they grow bigger than you expected, you can face some problems. So, how big will my cat get? The biggest cat in the world was named "Bruno" and weighed over 27 pounds. He died after breaking his neck when he...

Can You put Neosporin on a Cat: A Question to Treat Cats Wounds

Can You put Neosporin on a Cat: A Question to Treat Cats Wounds

Can you put Neosporin on a cat? This is frequently asked question about cats. If you have any questions about what to do with your cat's scratches, cuts, or other wounds, check out this page. Let us discuss more about important information regarding Neosporin for...

Interesting Things to know about a Cat with Down Syndrome?

Interesting Things to know about a Cat with Down Syndrome?

A cat with down syndrome occurs as a result of a faulty gene. It affects the development of the brain and causes the cat to have trouble walking, talk and control its movements. In extreme cases, the cat may be unable to move its head or limbs. In this case, the cat's...

Some Of The Reasons Why Do Cats Stick Their Tongue Out

Some Of The Reasons Why Do Cats Stick Their Tongue Out

You probably know that cats stick their tongues out while they are sleeping. If you watch closely, you may even see them do it while they are awake too. Why do cats stick their tongue out? This question has been asked by many people and in this article, I am going to...

Tips for Preventing a Cat Throwing Up Hairballs Daily

Tips for Preventing a Cat Throwing Up Hairballs Daily

You may have heard of a cat that throws up hairballs daily? Yes, cats do throw up fur balls, but not all fur balls are created equal. They can range from very small to quite large. When your cat throws up fur balls, you should watch and see if he or she appears to be...

What is A Cat’s Normal Body Temperature and What It Means?

What is A Cat’s Normal Body Temperature and What It Means?

There is no doubt about it: Cats' body temperature is higher than other mammals'. You will notice that cats' bodies are warmer than human beings' body temperatures. The reason why cats' body temperatures are higher is that they have more sweat glands than other...

The Best Ways How to Help a Constipated Kitten?

The Best Ways How to Help a Constipated Kitten?

Many cats get constipation as puppies or kittens because their intestinal tracts are very immature. Constipation is a normal problem in small breeds, but in larger breeds constipation is often an indication of illness or other health problems. How to help a...

The Various Theories Why do Cats Purr When They are Dying?

The Various Theories Why do Cats Purr When They are Dying?

There are many theories about what causes cats to purr. Some say it is because they are happy to be alive. Others believe that it is because cats use their throat muscles to create a sound while they are dying. Still others think that it is a form of communication....

Different Causes Why do Cats Eyes Get Big?

Different Causes Why do Cats Eyes Get Big?

Cats have highly developed visual systems and rely heavily on vision to see their world. They're nocturnal hunters who rely on vision to locate prey, read the environment, and navigate. Their eyes are equipped with specialized receptors called cones, which are...

The Reasons Why are My Cats Eyes Red

The Reasons Why are My Cats Eyes Red

Do your cat’s eyes look red? Why are my cats eyes red? These are the common questions of many cat owners with regards to their cat’s eyes. It’s likely because they’re suffering from a condition called “blepharitis”. This is something that happens when there’s excess...

Guide to Show How to Weigh your Cat Easily

Guide to Show How to Weigh your Cat Easily

Most cat owners have seen their cats weigh over time, and they want to know how much their pet weighs. But the truth is that most people have no idea how to get this information. And here’s the good news – you don’t need to know anything about weight to get this...

Can Cats Eat Grits? An Elaborate Focus

Can Cats Eat Grits? An Elaborate Focus

Can cats eat grits? Does a cat’s ability to digest or metabolize grits differ from that of a dog? Can a cat consume grits without suffering gastrointestinal distress? In this piece, we’ll answer these questions and discuss whether or not you can give your cat grits...

Why Do Cats Cry Tears? Amazing Facts about Feline

Why Do Cats Cry Tears? Amazing Facts about Feline

Cats are fascinating creatures, and there are many things that we still don't know about them. One question that has long puzzled scientists is why do cats cry tears? The answer is that cats cry tears for several reasons, such as due to medical conditions, allergies,...

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Dilated?-Learn About Cat Eye Dilation

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Dilated?-Learn About Cat Eye Dilation

  Are you among the many people asking “why are my cat eyes dilated? There are several reasons why your cat's eyes may be dilated. It could be due to medications, an underlying health condition, or simply because they are stressed or frightened. If you notice...

When Do Cat Threw Up Worms? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

When Do Cat Threw Up Worms? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Worms are a common problem in cats and can be contracted in several ways. The most common type of worm that infects cats is the roundworm, typically transmitted through contaminated food or water. Symptoms of worms in cats can vary depending on the type of worm...